Miraculous Ladybug Season 1 Episode 24 Volpina
Humiliated by Marinette in front of Adrien, Lila – a rival pretending to be Berusha’s girlfriend – akumatizes into Volpin, an illusion villain.[6]
At the Agreste mansion, Adrien rushes down the stairs to the lobby, stopping on his way out when he hears his father Gabriel in the studio to his right. Gabriel is on the phone negotiating with a supplier about a new line of clothing and a fashion show in three days. As he roars, he picks up the book and places it in a safe hidden behind a painting of Emilia Agreste. After Gabriel leaves, Adrien, confused by the existence of a hidden safe, sneaks into the room and walks over to the portrait. Plagg challenges Adrien to open the safe, but Adrien hesitates, saying that his dad wouldn’t want him going through his stuff, he doesn’t know the passcode, and he’ll be late for his fencing class.
Angry at Adrien, Plagg goes through the safe and opens it. Inside is a photo of Emilia Agreste, a book about Tibet, a leaflet for a Tibetan hotel, the Peacock Miraculous (which she ignores) and a “really dusty old book”. Plagg tosses the book into Adrien’s hands, who then starts flipping through it, stopping at a page that shows a costumed man who looks similar to Hawk Moth.
Hearing footsteps, Adrien slammed the safe shut and closed the portrait, hiding the book in his school bag. Nathalie enters with Placide I.T. he follows and tells Adrien that he will be late. Adrien pretends to be looking for his homework, looking embarrassed the whole time.
Meanwhile, Marinette and Alya walk into their school and hear their classmates Rose, Chloé and Nino discussing the various achievements of a girl named Lila. Marinette asks Alya who Lila is and learns that she is a new student from Italy. When Alya points up, Marinette sees Lila stroking a nervous Adrien. Ignoring Marinette’s expressions, Alya explains that Lila gave her an interview for Ladyblog in which Lila describes how Ladybug saved her. Alya runs into Marinette and gets her attention to watch the video.
This doesn’t help Marinette who keeps asking who Lila is. Alya replies that she’s had an incredible life and is absolutely amazing. Marinette then begins to freak out, imagining Lila and Adrien flirting shamelessly, developing a romantic relationship, traveling to Hollywood, and Adrien completely forgetting about Marinette. Marinette, snapping out of her imagination, sees Adrien being dragged into the library by Lila. Marinette tries to get Alya to go with her to keep them apart, but Alya dismisses Marinette’s concerns, focusing more on the views on Ladyblog, which exploded due to Lila’s video.
Confused, Marinette thinks Lila has somehow hypnotized everyone at school. Tikki accuses Marinette of being jealous, which she denies. After a moment of hesitation, he follows Adrien and Lila. In the library, hidden behind a bookshelf, Marinette finds only a bored Adrien tapping his fingers on the table, Lila nowhere to be found. Adrien then pulls out the book he obtained earlier from his bag. Tikki suddenly notices this and says she needs to see the book up close. Marinette tells Tikki to hide, but instead Tikki flies into the library across from Marinette and hides upstairs.
Adrien tries to hide the magic book.
Just then, Lila returns with her Histoire textbook, saying that she and Adrien can study together. Adrien hastily covers his book with his math book, but as he moves the math book, Lila notices the book underneath and pulls it away from Adrien, asking him what it is. He replies that they are just superhero stories. Lila places her hand on Adrien’s and tells Adrien that she loves superheroes. Marinette flinches and freaks out, thinking it’s too late for her, and clumsily crashes into the book cart.
Meanwhile, Tikki looks down at the open pages that Lila is flipping through. When Lila stops at the Ladybug page, Adrien sighs and says, “She’s amazing,” which annoys Lila. Lila pulled herself up in her chair and stood right next to Adrien and told him that a girl didn’t need to wear a costume to be awesome. Lila questions Adrien about his crush on Ladybug, which he tries to deny by stuttering. Meanwhile, Marinette gets closer to the two by hiding behind a book cart and moving it. Lila then lies to Adrien and says that she is friends with Ladybug and suggests that they meet at the park after school where she can tell him more about it. Angry at Lily’s lie, Marinette growls and stands up leaning on the cart, causing it to slide away and Marinette to fall. The cart hits a wall and falls, scattering books and disturbing Lila and Adrien. Marinette hides under the table.
Before Adrien can investigate the sudden noise, his phone alarm goes off telling him he only has one minute before the fencing lesson starts. Adrien hastily grabs his books and starts putting them away, Lila following. As Adrien puts his bag on his shoulder, Lila startles him, causing him to drop his bag and spill all his books. Lila interrupts him for a moment, confirming their meeting later in the park as she places her foot on Adrien’s book and removes it from his bag. Adrien hastily agrees to meet up as Lila hands him his bag.
As Adrien runs off, Lila picks up the book and opens it to a random page, landing on the superhero Fox page and walking away. Tikki approaches from her perch to say something to Marinette, but before she does, Marinette says that she has to tell Adrien that Lila is a thief before he and Lila meet in the park. However, Tikki doesn’t want Adrien to be told because she wants to see the book up close and says that if it’s who she thinks it is, she needs to get her hands on it herself. When Marinette asks why the book is so important, Tikki says she will explain when she is sure it is the right book.
Tikki and Marinette follow Lila into the jewelry store and watch Lila leave. Marinette is even angrier now that she just finished watching Lila’s Ladyblog video where Lila says that she and Ladybug are very close friends. Marinette and Tikki chase after her and arrive at the park. Lila sits on a bench and looks at a foxtail necklace. He pulls it out of the box and opens Adrien’s book to the superhero Fox page. She puts the necklace on and grins, but freezes when she looks up to see Adrien walking towards her. Lila panics and hides the book behind her before throwing it into a nearby trash can. Lila grabs Adrien’s arm and pulls him to sit next to her as Marinette complains about Lila being a brat.
Tikki flies off and tells Marinette that she will take the book and that Marinette can take care of Adrien. Tikki gets into the book invisibly, but when she tries to pull it out of the basket, she is not strong enough. Marinette runs to the trash can and takes the book from Tikki.
At the same time, Lila lies to Adrien about how Ladybug saved her life and how they are friends because they are both superheroes. Lila says she is a descendant of the fox superheroine Volpina. Adrien mentions that he saw her in his book, but Lila stops him from looking. He starts putting Ladybug down and says that Volpina is more powerful and celebrated, which makes Marinette very angry. As Marinette runs away from the situation, Tikki remarks that Lila is a really good liar.
Deciding that now is the time to act, Marinette hands the book to Tikki (who then falls to the ground under her weight) and transforms into Ladybug. She immediately confronts Lila and calls her out on her lie about being saved by Ladybug and their friends. Adrien asks if that means he’s not a superhero descendant, which Ladybug confirms. An upset Lila runs away crying. Adrien tries to stop her and comfort her, but he’s not fast enough. He turns to Ladybug and asks her why she did that. Ladybug declares that she hates lies, especially about herself, and leaves, leaving Adrien confused by her behavior.
Lila is akumatized on Volpin.
Elsewhere on the city sidewalk, Lila blames Ladybug for ruining her chances with Adrien and says she hates her. She throws her bag at the Ladybugs magazine ad poster, falls to her knees and sobs. Sensing Lila’s negative emotions from his lair, Hawk Moth sends out akuma that fuses with her necklace. He gives Lila the power of illusion and the name Volpina and tells her to gain the trust of Ladybug and Cat Noir and then betray them. The transformed Volpina plays a tune on her flute and throws her resulting energy ball at the poster of Ladybug, changing it into one of her and Adrien.
A few civilians standing outside the Louvre look up at the sky in horror as they see a massive meteor burn through the atmosphere, headed for the Louvre. Outside the Agreste mansion, Adrien and his bodyguard also see it. Adrien runs into his room and transforms into Cat Noir. Ladybug also sees a meteor, jumps off the balcony and swings her yo-yo around town. An orange blur flies through the sky beside her and throws her away. He stops above the Louvre and reveals that it is Volpina who has reared up, caught the meteor and flung it back into the sky. Volpina, it seems to all witnesses, just saved the day. However, it goes unnoticed that the meteor disappears once it hits the pigeon.
Volpina, who stopped the meteor, lands on the roof where the real Volpina waves her hand through the illusion and makes her disappear before entering public view. Volpina tells the citizens of Paris that he is the only hero Paris needs. Ladybug and Cat Noir are standing on another roof discussing the benefits of having another superhero in Paris. Ladybug is skeptical about how a new hero has appeared out of nowhere, but Cat Noir isn’t worried. In the middle of their debate, Volpina lands between them and tells them she needs their help.
Hawk Moth is standing on the next roof. Volpina tells them they have to catch him. Cat Noir immediately agrees, saying that he can count on them. Volpina then compliments Cat Noir and his costume. Ladybug makes a disgusted face and goes back to observing Hawk Moth. Ladybug is very skeptical of everything that has happened so far, but Cat Noir sees Ladybug’s behavior as something that is strange. Ladybug asks Volpina what her Miraculous is and what her powers are.
Behind them, Hawk Moth suddenly transports away, with Volpina in pursuit. Ladybug and Cat Noir follow. Hawk Moth stops and stands on top of the Hôtel de Ville with the other three stopping nearby. Volpina tells Ladybug to go to the right and Cat Noir to the left while she comes up behind. Annoyed that Volpina is taking the lead and not consulting with them, Ladybug says that she will go to the right, Cat Noir will go behind and Volpina will go to the left. After Volpina leaves, Cat Noir tells Ladybug to be nicer to Volpina because she’s on their side. Ladybug jumps over rooftops.
Volpina goes behind the chimney where the real Volpina destroys the illusory one. Cat Noir arrives at the Hôtel de Ville, but Hawk Moth is missing. Cat Noir notices him again and chases him around town. Volpina leaves him and pursues Ladybug.
Ladybug chases after her very own Hawk Moth. When she loses sight of him, she walks along the roof until her right foot steps into a green box that turns it red. The box locks onto her leg and tracks her movements. Large rockets appear all around Ladybug and aim at her. Volpina threateningly tells Ladybug not to move and that now she won’t be able to say they don’t know each other. From this, Ladybug finds out that Lila was akumatized. Ladybug tries to convince Volpina to stop, but Volpina is still locked on everyone thinking she’s a liar. Since she’s a superhero and even Cat Noir believes her, Ladybug will be the one called a liar if she ever tells anyone.
Hawk Moth interrupts Volpina and tells her to take Ladybug’s Miraculous. Volpina demands that she hand over the earrings, but Ladybug refuses. Volpina gives her an ultimatum: hand over the Miraculous or the nearby building will crumble. Ladybug calls her bluff, but Volpina plays a tune and throws an energy ball at the building, which starts to fall down. Ladybug, seeing the damage and people screaming, tells Volpina to stop and puts her hand on her earrings. But before he can take them off, a pigeon flies into the illusion and destroys it. Ladybug discovers that Volpina’s power lies in illusions and lies. She uses her yo-yo to get rid of the fake rockets and tries to catch Volpina, but realizes she is also an illusion. Ladybug contacts Cat Noir and explains Volpina’s powers and that she is actually one of Hawk Moth’s akumatized victims. She also explains that Volpina’s akumitization is her fault and that Volpina is probably heading to Adrien’s house when they talk.
Cat Noir rushes to the Agreste mansion, enters the bathroom through the window, and detransforms. Plagg asks him if he’s going to stay as Cat Noir, but Adrien says that Lila is in love with Adrien, so he should handle it like him. Plagg hides as Volpina flies through the window into Adrien’s room. Adrien pretends not to know who she is and encourages her to continue her lies as Volpina. He explains that the scene from earlier was Ladybug being jealous of Volpina and her strengths.
Outside Adrien’s house, Ladybug tries to call Cat Noir but gets no answer. She enters Adrien’s room, interrupting Volpina and Adrien’s conversation, which Volpina calls a “date”. Adrien says that it wasn’t really a “date” but it could have been and Volpina shouldn’t be so upset. Ladybug stops his fumbling and asks him to step out so she can take care of Volpina. Adrien hides in the bathroom and transforms into Cat Noir.
Ladybug and Volpina are fighting in Adrien’s room when Cat Noir enters through the window, claiming he couldn’t find the address. Panicking, Volpina creates several copies of herself and jumps into them to hide. Ladybug gets rid of them, but the real Volpina is not there.
Ladybug spots Volpina outside, who kidnaps Adrien. Cat Noir says it’s an illusion and claims his feline sixth sense is legendary at detecting such things. Ladybug can’t believe it when she opens the bathroom door and Adrien isn’t inside. Cat Noir sighs and follows Ladybug to Paris.
On the Eiffel Tower, Volpina hangs Adrien from one of the beams. Ladybug and Cat Noir climb the tower and stop when Volpina starts swinging with Adrien. She demands that they give up their Miraculouses or drop Adrien, saying that even though she likes Adrien, she would rather see Ladybug and Cat Noir defeated. Cat Noir lies to her, but Ladybug doesn’t believe him and reaches for the earrings. Cat Noir stops her and throws his staff at Adrien and Volpina, much to Berucha’s dismay, and the illusion disappears.
The heroes spot the real Volpina on the other side of the Tower and chase her to the top, where she creates an even greater illusion of herself and hides among them. Ladybug summons her lucky charm and gets fudge ice cream. The inner packaging glistens on her face as she opens it. Cat Noir activates his Cataclysm and keeps it handy for when they need it. Ladybug turns the ice cream over, shines the inner wrapper on Volpinas, and the reflected sunlight causes the right one to flinch. Cat Noir uses his Cataclysm on part of the Tower and traps Volpina in a cage. Ladybug grabs Volpina’s necklace, breaks it and captures the akuma. He then uses Miraculous Ladybug and returns the Tower and Lila to normal.
With Lila back to normal, Ladybug apologizes for her earlier actions. Lila does not accept her apology and leaves saying that they will never be friends. In his lair, Hawkmoth claims that since Lila is still angry, Volpina will return. His window closes, leaving him and his butterflies in the dark.
Back at the tower, Ladybug worries; he doesn’t know where the real Adrien is. Cat Noir says that since everything is back to normal, he should be at his house. However, Ladybug still feels the need for control. Cat Noir tries to stop her, saying that she will detransform (lose one dot on her earrings), but Ladybug counters that she will also detransform (lose one spot on her ring finger). Ladybug leaves looking at Adrien. Cat Noir then states that he finds her stubbornness irresistible.
Ladybug arrives in Adrien’s room just before Cat Noir arrives in the bathroom where she runs to the door. She runs out the door and calls Adrien’s name. Cat Noir runs back into the shower. Ladybug opens the door and asks if she can come in. Cat Noir turns on the shower and Ladybug slams the door, learning from the events of “Simon Says”. He asks through the door if everything is okay, to which Cat Noir, disguised as Adrien, says yes, that he needed a shower after all the excitement. He goes back to the door and puts his ear to it to listen. The ladybug allows that if all is well, she will be gone. He thanks her before leaving. At the same time, they lean their heads against the door and sigh in disappointment. The ladybug then leaves and goes out the window. Cat Noir walks out of the bathroom and sighs unhappily again.
Marinette returns home to her balcony and talks to Tikki as she studies Adrien’s book. Marinette expresses her disappointment at not being able to return the book to Adrien and thus not being able to bond with him. Tikki explains that the book holds invaluable knowledge and needs to be given to someone who can interpret it. He decides it’s time for Marinette to meet the Great Guardian.
In his room, Adrien searches through his bag, trying to find his father’s book. He asks Plagg if he touched it, which Plagg denies. Adrien is extremely worried; his father will be angrier than Hawk Moth when he finds out he’s missing.
Tikki leads Marinette to Fu’s massage shop. He enters the main room and sees Master Fu. He immediately identifies her as Ladybug. As soon as she enters, the door closes behind her.