Miraculous Ladybug Season 1 Episode 17 Antibug
Chloé is akumatized into Antibug after an argument with Ladybug; Ladybug must fight a villain with the same powers she has.[5]
Chloé, devastated when her hero Ladybug refuses to heed her advice, akumatizes herself into Antibug, Ladybug’s evil twin with the same powers.[6]
Disney Channel
Ladybug argues with Chloé, who then transforms into Antibug, a rival with formidable powers.[7]
In Chloé’s room, Chloé goes through her closet and complains that she has nothing to wear. Hearing the noise, she goes to investigate and is attacked by her floating skin care bottles. An invisible force removes her shoes and throws her over the balcony into the courtyard of the Agreste mansion. Chloé yells at them to come back to no avail.
Chloe is at school and she looks exhausted, almost falling asleep in her desk. Marinette and Alya notice this and wonder if it’s because Chloe’s friend Sabrina is missing, though Olga Mendeleev shuts them up. Chloé is then pulled by her hair, leading to her screaming in pain and Olga Mendeleev admonishing her. Chloé tries to explain that something unseen is bothering her, but she is not believed and the class laughs at her. Olga Mendeleev quiets the class.
An invisible force grabs Chloe’s purse and tries to take it off her. Even though this happened, Olga Mendeleev still doesn’t trust Chloe. Chloé is thrown back by the unseen presence and drops her purse, only to be repeatedly hit in the face with this purse, leading to Olga Mendeleyev yelling at Chloé to take her seat. Chloé drops her purse and hides in the corner of the room. Both Marinette and Adrien watch intently.
Jule’s pen is ripped from her fingers and thrown at Chloé. Several more pens are thrown at Chloé, sending her running down the stairs. Olga Mendeleyev yells at Chloé to stop running and get back to her seat. Before she can, an invisible presence takes Chloé’s sunglasses from her head and fights Chloé for them. The presence leads Chloé to Miss Bustier’s desk and puts down her sunglasses, pulling Chloé’s hair instead. The whole class laughs at her. Chloé flees the room, waving her arms in front of her to ward off the unseen presence. An invisible presence stalks Chloé, moving Adrien’s tablet in the process. The door slams shut behind it.
Both Marinette and Adrien immediately ask if they can go to the bathroom. In the girls’ bathroom, there are crude drawings of Chloé on the walls and stall doors, and numerous instances of Chloé’s name being scratched out. Everyone at school is then sent a set of pictures showing what happened to Chloé. Marinette, Tikki, and Adrien realize that something must be done to help her and the two of them transform into Ladybug and Cat Noir.
In front of Le Grand Paris, Mayor André Bourgeois holds a press conference and says that attacking his daughter is like attacking all of Paris. Ladybug and Cat Noir appear behind the mayor, saying that they will help him. Back in Chloé’s room, André announces that Ladybug and Cat Noir are there to help, prompting Chloé to run out from behind one of her couches and throw Ladybug in a hug, much to her annoyance. Chloé then doesn’t leave Ladybug alone the whole time she’s in her room, she takes a few selfies with the Ladybugs and takes a picture of her. André explains the situation to Ladybug while Cat Noir searches Chloe’s room.
Ladybug turns on Chloé’s television and rotates the four sections of the screen to various locations in the hotel where an unseen presence might be hiding. These include three different angles of the hotel foyer and Chloé’s balcony. Ladybug asks Chloé if she’s had any problems with anyone lately, which Chloé denies, saying that everyone loves her. Ladybug picks up a picture from the ground and asks about the girl in it with Chloé, Sabrina. Chloé says it’s impossible for Sabrina to hate Chloé; Sabrina “worships [her]. [She’s] her idol.” Ladybug sighs and tells the mayor to keep Chloé inside because the invisible presence can’t go through walls and won’t be able to attack Chloé. Ladybug and Cat Noir then leave and head down to the hotel entrance.
Downstairs, Armand is asked what he knows about Chloe and Sabrina, saying it will stay between them. Jean tells Ladybug about a game that Chloé and Sabrina liked to play called “Ladybug and Cat Noir”, where Chloé would dress up as Ladybug and Sabrina would dress up as Cat Noir. Two days ago they played this game with the butler as the villain “Big Mustachio”. Ladybug interrupts Jean’s narration to ask who Big Mustache is, only to discover that it was Chloé’s idea.
Continuing his story, Big Mustachio hid in a hotel lounge where Jagged Stone was being interviewed by Nadja Chamack. “Ladybug” and “Cat Noir” burst into the room, causing the men at the bar and the people on the couches to turn their attention to them. Chloé immediately recognized Jagged Stone and walked up to him, sitting between him and Nadja.
Jagged Stone believed that Chloé was the real Ladybug, prompting Chloé to lie through her teeth that she was there to meet Jagged. He notices her hair is different, he asks what she did to it, her response is that she needs a new haircut. She was filmed the whole time. She then took over Jagged Stone’s interview and forced Nadja to direct questions to her.
However, Sabrina found Big Mustachio and called out Chloé’s name. Jagged Stone and Nadja became angry that they had been tricked. Chloé protested and said she was Ladybug. Her proof was that she took her yo-yo and bounced it up and down, hitting Fang in the head each time. Poisoned, Fang bit the yoya string and ate it, the remaining string hitting Chloé in the face. Nadja and Jagged Stone laugh as Chloé runs away crying. Chloe glared at Sabrina and tore off her mask.
Sabrina and Jean followed Chloé into her room, Sabrina trying to apologize. Sabrina didn’t know that Chloé was pretending to be the real Ladybug in addition to their game. An angry Chloé said that Sabrina never knew anything and that even Fang was smarter than her. Chloé threw the remains of the yoyo at Sabrina and told her she never wanted to see her again.
Chloé watches Jean, Ladybug and Cat Noir on the TV in her room.
Sabrina returned the next day. Chloé ignored her the whole time, saying she didn’t know any Sabrina. Sabrina tried to get Chloé, her best friend, to turn around, even holding out the rose Chloé had given her as a symbol of their friendship. Jean approaches Chloé and asks her to talk to Sabrina since she’s right there. Instead, Chloé said that she couldn’t see anyone, that she must be invisible because Sabrina didn’t exist in her eyes. Sabrina closed the door and left with tears in her eyes.
Ladybug and Cat Noir conclude that the unseen presence is Sabrina and that she has been akumatized. In her room, Chloé decides that it is impossible for Sabrina to be akumatized, let alone attack her, as Sabrina is too afraid of Chloé.
Downstairs, Ladybug thanks Jean for her help. He’s leaving. Spinning, Cat Noir grabs the flower and offers it to Ladybug, who in turn places it in a vase next to her with several other roses. Finding someone who can’t be seen won’t be easy, so the two decide to wait for Sabrina to find them. Ladybug says they have an advantage because Sabrina doesn’t know they’re there, but Sabrina is behind them. As Ladybug and Cat Noir wander off, Sabrina picks up the flower and twirls it in her fingers. Her face glows purple as Hawk Moth speaks to her, calling her “Vanisher”. Hawk Moth commands her to bring him the Miraculouses, to which she responds by not seeing her coming.
Vanisher drops the flower and makes enough noise to make Cat Noir turn back. When he stopped walking, Ladybug turns to see what caught his attention. As Cat Noir begins to explain, the hair around Ladybug’s left ear moves. Shocked, Cat Noir leaps forward and pulls out his staff. He and Ladybug stand back to back, his stick and her yo-yo making circles for defense.
In her room, Chloé decides that if Sabrina is the Vanisher, she will be the one to defeat her. She opens her wardrobe and presses a button on the remote to reveal a Ladybug costume complete with wig, mask, earrings and yo-yo.
Back in the lobby, Vanisher continues to throw chairs and vases at Ladybug and Cat Noir, with both heroes either dodging or breaking said objects. Ladybug summons her lucky charm, this time a jar of red glitter. When it lands in her hands, Chloé appears on the hotel steps, dressed as Ladybug, taunting the Vanisher. Ladybug tells Chloe to move and makes her come down the stairs, telling Vanisher that if she stops, she could be her best friend again.
An angry Vanisher throws books at Chloé. She only dodges because Ladybug knocks her to the ground and Cat Noir uses his staff to block the remaining books. Chloé continues to taunt Vanisher, even as Ladybug pushes Chloé out of the way. Vanisher runs up to Ladybug and grabs her while Cat Noir looks for Vanisher in the background. Trapped in Vanisher’s arms, Ladybug opens the glitter, drops the container on her knee and throws it into the air, the container spins to cover Vanisher in pink and red sparkles. The ladybug rolls, breaks free.
Vanisher threatens that even if Ladybug sees her, it doesn’t mean she can defeat her. Cat Noir holds out her staff in front of the Vanisher, drawing her attention to him as he slides down it and away from Ladybug, who removes Chloé from the scene. Ladybug hides Chloé again and tells her not to move and to return to Cat Noir. Ladybug decides that the akuma is in Sabrina’s bag, to which Chloé protests. She comes out of hiding and swings her yo-yo, losing control as it breaks and hits the Vanisher in the head, drawing her attention.
Ladybug asks Cat Noir to deal with the Vanisher while she deals with Chloé. Cat Noir traps the Vanisher’s arms while Ladybug lassos Chloé and spins her into an elevator destined for the shelter. Chloé tells Ladybug that the akuma must be in the brooch Vanisher is wearing because it was a gift from Chloé. An angry Ladybug tells Chloe that her presence on the battlefield puts everyone in danger. Ladybug presses the button to go upstairs as Chloé protests.
Back in the battle, Vanisher throws pots at Cat Noir and catches his head in one. While trying to take it down, Ladybug grabs the Vanisher’s bag, rips it open and spills its contents onto the floor. No akuma comes out. Angry and taking advantage of Berucha’s confusion, the Vanisher charges at her. Ladybug blocking hands. At the same time, he notices a rose that glitters excessively on the Vanisher’s chest: a brooch. Ladybug pins Vanisher to the elevator door, causing the brooch to fall and Ladybug to step on it. Akuma flutters towards Chloe’s camera (she’s watching from her room and is mad at Ladybug for not listening to her). Ladybug captures the akuma and then uses Miraculous Ladybug, returning everything to normal.
In his lair, Hawk Moth growls at the window in defeat and frustration.
Sabrina returns to normal and is holding the brooch when she realizes she almost lost it. Ladybug smiles and holds out her fist to punch Cat Noir, but instead questions why she didn’t listen to Chloé when she was just trying to help. Ladybug replies that it was Chloé who put them in danger and then lied; Ladybugs don’t listen to liars.
Chloe watches in her room and is outraged by what Ladybug said. She was Ladybug’s biggest fan, but ever since Ladybug called her a liar, she felt like Ladybug didn’t deserve her devotion. The channel changes to TVi with Nadja Chamack after Chloé throws the remote on the ground in frustration. Ladybug, Cat Noir and Sabrina leave the building. Before they can clear the entrance, the reporters are bombarded with questions.
Chloé decides she doesn’t want to hear about Ladybug anymore. This prompts Hawk Moth to open his window again and send out another akuma.
Chloé rips off the Ladybug mask and stomps on it. Then she falls to her knees and cries. Akuma lands on Chloé’s left earring and fuses it with Hawk Moth. He offers her an alliance to defeat Ladybug, to which Chloé agrees and transforms into Antibug.
During the conversation, Ladybug realizes that she is about to detransform attempts to leave the scene, only to be interrupted by Antibug. Where Ladybug says that if it wasn’t for her she wouldn’t have defeated Vanisher and now she was going to defeat Ladybug. Antibug’s taunt causes the heroes to recognize her as Chloé. Ladybug tells Cat Noir that she is going to detransform, and he tells her that Antibug can handle it. Where he teases Ladybug, she says that she is nothing without Cat Noir. Ladybug promises Antibug that they will see each other again soon before they run off and detransform. After detransforming, Marinette quickly realizes that she has no food for Tikki. Marinette laments how the whole situation is her fault, but Tikki tells her otherwise. They both sneak off to the palace to find Tikki something to eat. After grabbing some cookies for Tikki, Marinette rushes to find Cat Noir only to find him hanging from a pole that Antibug had picked up. He taunts Cat Noir only to reply. Hawk Moth suggests using Cat Noir as bait. Antibug tries to convince Cat Noir to bond with her, but he refuses.
In the distance, Marinette wants to help, but Tikki doesn’t have enough energy. Tikki tells her that she can save Cat Noir as herself, but Marinette isn’t convinced that Ladybug can. Tikki then tells her that she is Ladybug and that Ladybug is inside her. Marinette agrees that she needs to save Cat Noir and comes up with a plan. She uses her cell phone as a decoy and replays a conversation from earlier to trick Antibug into thinking Ladybug is nearby. While Antibug is distracted, Marinette saves Cat Noir by taking the pole and using it to pull him up. Once Antibug realizes it has been played, Cat Noir appears and begins attacking Antibug. Tikki also gained enough energy to allow Marinette to transform into Ladybug once more. Ladybug finds Cat Noir as Antibug continues her attacks. Ladybug suggests that the akuma is in her yo-yo, while Cat Noir says that they are her earrings as she had them before her transformation.
Ladybug and Antibug attack each other at the same time. Ladybug summons her luck charm while Antibug summons his charm. When Antibug ends up with a large gun and Ladybug with a bag of marbles, Antibug taunts her and continues her attack. Looking around, Ladybug realizes the purpose of the balls when she looks at Cat Noir. They throw them at him and he hits them, releasing the balls onto the ground and tripping Antibug. Falling and her sword picked up by Cat Noir with her staff, Antibug complains that Ladybug is too weak to rely on Cat Noir. Ladybug definitely replies that she and Cat Noir are a team. Cat Noir uses Cataclysm to trap Antibug in the glass floor below her and Ladybug grabs her earrings. He destroys them, de-evilizes akuma, and uses Miraculous Ladybug to fix everything. Ladybug apologizes to Chloé for not taking her advice, which Chloé accepts and becomes Ladybug’s biggest fan once again. Before leaving, Ladybug suggests that Chloé make amends with Sabrina.
Back in the classroom, Marinette sits with Alya and watches as Chloé takes her seat. Sabrina enters the room and stands next to the seat until Chloé tells her to sit down. Sabrina happily accepts, and as she looks away from her, Chloé gives a small smile. Afterwards, Chloé gives Sabrina a new brooch, much to Sabrina’s delight and Chloé’s secret satisfaction. Marinette comments that Chloé and Sabrina will always be best friends in their own special way, just like her and Alya. At the end of the card, Marinette and Alya are happy while Adrien sitting in front of them is amused.